Consumer preferences, cultural product types, and the export potential of cultural industries in small countries

“This paper challenges the assumption that, while the production of cultural goods and services is still locally specific and culturally informed, cultural consumption has become globalized. It argues that consumers generally require some degree of cultural knowledge or cultural affinity with cultural products in order to understand and appreciate them. Thecognitive distance between producer and consumer should therefore not be too great. This implies that producers from areas that take up a low position in the global cultural hierarchy, experience more difficulties exporting their cultural products than producers from more culturally influential areas. It also implies that we should distinguish between cultural products according to the degree to which they demand specific cultural knowledge from the consumer. Distinctions between cultural products along these linesmay be expected to correspond with very distinct (global) geographic patterns of industry concentration, as well as with different types of organization of production” (Consumer preferences, cultural product types, and the export potential of cultural industries in small countries. Lessons from the Dutchpublishing industry, by ).

OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Rogério Santos (20 de Julho de 2013). Consumer preferences, cultural product types, and the export potential of cultural industries in small countries. INDÚSTRIAS CULTURAIS. Recuperado em 18 de Fevereiro de 2025 de

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