University of Beira Interior, Faculty of Arts and Letters – Portugal. February, 27 and 28, 2014. Working languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish.
Topics: calls are particularly (but not exclusively) encouraged on: (1) Epistemologies, theories and methodologies of memory reception, (2) Media reception research and oral history and/or biographic methods, (3) Empirical research crossing cultural identities with reception history or memory, (4) Empirical research about reception history or memory in an everyday life perspective, (5) Women and reception, and (6) History of media and ethnographic research.
Norms: extended abstracts (500-800 words) should indicate title, theoretical perspective, methods and results (if applicable); Author(s) identification and contacts should be sent in a separated file along with the paper title. Abstracts and papers should be submitted via e-mail to LabCom Books will publish a selection of articles on e-book.
Calendar: deadline for extended abstracts: November 30, 2013. Notification of accepted abstracts: December 20, 2013. Submission of full papers: January 25, 2014. No registration fees.
Conference promoted by LabCom – Laboratory of Online Communication. More information soon available at
OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Rogério Santos (27 de Julho de 2013). Conference “History and Memory of Media Reception” – call for papers. INDÚSTRIAS CULTURAIS. Recuperado em 18 de Fevereiro de 2025 de