IBC 2013

BTS exhibits historic OB van at IBC 2013, September 13-17, 2013, Amsterdam, Netherlands:

“Portuguese broadcaster RTP takes 1957 van to IBC as centerpiece of BTS exhibit. IBC is the European show to attend to see the latest in broadcast technology. Sometimes, we may want to look back at where we have come from. A piece of broadcast history will be a special exhibit at IBC 2013. With the kind support of the Portuguese public broadcaster RTP, systems integrator BTS Broadcast Technology Solutions will exhibit a fully functional vintage OB van built in 1957. The historic OB van shown in Amsterdam was built in 1957 in Darmstadt, Germany, for RTP. The Mercedes Benz Model LP-312/36, 21 has a six-cylinder 110hp diesel engine with a maximum speed of 76km/h. It was equipped with the most advanced technology of the time for TV coverage of outside events. and was the first vehicle of its kind in Portugal” (http://broadcastengineering.com/remoteob/bts-exhibits-historic-ob-van-ibc-2013).


OpenEdition sugere que esta publicação seja citada da seguinte forma:
Rogério Santos (9 de Setembro de 2013). IBC 2013. INDÚSTRIAS CULTURAIS. Recuperado em 18 de Fevereiro de 2025 de https://doi.org/10.58079/qbxb

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