International Conference Call For Papers News and Radio Journalism in the Digital Age

Strasbourg (France), 20 and 21 March 2014. Deadline until November 30,

“The French speaking Radio studies Network, Groupe de Recherches et d’Études sur la Radio (GRER), is organising its seventh international conference. Following on from conferences at Bordeaux (2001 and 2004), Lyon (2006), Paris (2009 and 2011), and Bruxelles (2010), it will take place at the University of Strasbourg on the 20th and 21st March 2014. An international call for papers has been launched, focused on the issues and approaches described below. Radio broadcasting, in particular, does not seem to be at risk of disappearing in the short term. Radio remains an essential element within the practice and systems of journalism, on a daily basis, in exceptional circumstances or in times of crisis. The credibility of radio news remains very high, and higher than other media. On the other hand several changes are missing from its evolution. At this conference several questions will be asked: how has the production of radio news become integrated with the digital domain? Have those people connected with news production changed or do they want to change? Has the professional identity of radio journalists changed? Is media contente different? How do people hear news on the radio now, and how will people hear it in the future? With the development of the internet, our media landscape is undergoing a transformation. This conference will study the capacity of radio to inform citizens in contemporary societies. From its heritage to current practice, and through its evolution, we will ask the question: can radio remain an important news medium in the digital age. The conference will focus its woks on two main themes:
– Theme 1. Professional practice and radio news: issues and evolutions
– Theme 2. Content and its uses: the extension of radio contexts

As with previous events run by GRER, a range of academic perspectives is expected, including: communication studies, journalism studies, history, geography, economy, psychology, sociology, political science, philosophy, law, ethnology, language studies and more. Papers from practitioners are also welcome”.

Find Methods of Submission of the proposals on the GRER blog Radio

The call is also available in PDF format at the following addresses:

in English:

in French:

in Spanish:

Reminder of importante dates:

30th of November 2013 – Deadline for submission of proposals
30th of December 2013 – Announcement of accepted proposals
15th of March 2014 – Submission of documents

GRER (Groupe de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Radio), Maison des Sciences de l’Homme d’Aquitaine, 10, Esplanade des Antilles, 33607 Pessac Cedex, France

Internet Site:
Facebook Page:
Blog Radio Graphy:

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Rogério Santos (23 de Outubro de 2013). International Conference Call For Papers News and Radio Journalism in the Digital Age. INDÚSTRIAS CULTURAIS. Recuperado em 18 de Fevereiro de 2025 de

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